Custom Made Garments For The Head And Neck

presuure garments Head And Neck

Custom-made pressure garments maintain effective pressure for 2-3 months and then must be replaced. Alternating between several garments will aid in lengthening the life of the garments, although, in some cases of weight change, or spurts of rapid growth in children, more frequent re-measurement and replacement may be necessary.

Forms /ย Instructions


All of the Order Forms and Measurement Charts listed below contained in one file.
All of the Order Forms and Measurement Charts listed below contained in one file.


This should be completed and transmitted with every custom garment order.
Detailed instructions for submitting orders and an example order form.
Watch the video:ย ย Youtube


All head and neck garments.
Procedures and an example chart.
Watch the video:ย Youtube


To indicate the locations of special linings and other features.
Instructions for illustrating special features.
