Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free


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Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free | Michigan USA

The Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free

Our Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free are the latest addition to our Protection Plus series.

Designed with added thickness, the gloves offer better protection against punctures, Rips and certain chemicals while providing the users with excellent tactile sensitivity and comfortable fit.

Our gloves are made from 100% nitrile, a synthetic compound that is completely free of skin-irritating rubber proteins.

Have a lower allergy rate than latex disposable gloves is the superior choice when it comes to people with allergies or sensitive skin.

Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free

The Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free Can be separated into 2 categories: Medical use and Industry use. do not contain natural rubber nitrile and are an excellent alternative for those suffering from Type I allergies.

Used to help protect hands from most solvents, Offers comfortable and reliable hand protection. nit rile Gloves are puncture resistant so solvents can stay on the gloves and not on hands.

They are made of synthetic rubber in order to reduce skin irritation.

Nitrile gloves are a great choice in Hand Protection for both the pro and the DI Yer

Thin, disposable, nitrile gloves are the most common gloves used when handling chemicals in laboratories; however, it is important to remember that thin nitrile rubber provides onlyย limited chemical protection.ย  These gloves are intended to be used only as a physical barrier againstย brief contactย with chemicals, and they need to beย removed and discardedย immediately after they become contaminated.

Glove materials are evaluated on three criteria when exposed to chemicals:

  1. Breakthrough time:ย  This is how long it takes to detect a substance inside the glove when the outside is exposed to a chemical.ย  A glove that holds ups for greater than eight hours is considered excellent.
  2. Degradation:ย This refers to the physical changes in the material such as swelling, cracking, softening or shrinking, which occur when it comes in contact with a chemical.ย ย A glove can exhibit chemicalย breakthroughย even if itย doesnโ€™tย show signs ofย degradation.
  3. Permeation rate:ย  This is the rate at which a substance passes through a glove material once breakthrough takes place.ย  This rate includes absorption on the surface, diffusion through the material, and desorption on the inside surface.
Manufacturer # Varies
Item# Varies
Brand N/A
Manufacturer N/A
Application Exam Glove
Chemo Rated Not Chemo Approved
Colour Black
Cuff Style Beaded Cuff
Fingertip Thickness 0.08 mm (3.1 mil)
Glove Exterior Fully Textured
Glove Interior Without Coating
Glove Length Standard Cuff Length
Hand Compatibility Ambidextrous
Length in Inches 9.8 Inch
Material Nitrile
Powder Content Powder Free
Size Medium
Sterility Non Sterile
UNSPSC Code 42132203
Usage Single Patient Use
Latex-Free Indicator Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex


  • Excellent Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free Conform ability provides superior fit and extended user comfort
  • Exterior’s fully textured finish promotes slip resistance in wet or dry conditions
  • Thin with high-tactile sensitivity
  • Powder free
  • Ambidextrous, beaded cuff design for convenience and comfort
  • Disposable design for single use only
  • Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex

Healthcare DME

Has been committedย to providing the best.
inย home medical equipmentย and supplies since 2005.
Servicing Southeast Michigan.
we pride ourselves in supplying the local community.
with not only superior quality medical products,.
While Healthcare DME has.
a wide array of home medical products available.
we specialize in portable and stationary.
Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free .
,ย home oxygen, ostomy, urostomy,.
and home catheterization supplies,.
and custom fabricated shoes and inserts for diabetic patients.
concerned about the health of their feet.
Healthcare DME is an in network provider.
for most major insurance companies,.
including Medicare, Medicaid,.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan,.
HAP, Humana, and many more.
Please come visit us.
located at 2911 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108,.
just north of Packard in Bell Arbor Plaza, next to Fantastic Samโ€™s.
We would also love to talk to you over the phone!.
A live representative can be reached at (734) 975-6668 during.
normal business hours.
Please feel free to call!
Durable medical equipment
to aid in a better quality of living.
It is a benefit included.
in most insurances.
In some cases certain Medicare benefits, that is.
whether Medicare may pay for the item.
The item is defined by Title XIX for Medicaid.
The term โ€œdurable medical equipmentโ€.
includes iron lungs, oxygen tents, Nebulizers,.
CPAP, Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free.
ย  catheters, hospital beds, and wheelchairs.
(which may include a power operated vehicle.
that may be appropriately used as a wheelchair.
but only where the use of such a vehicle.
is determined to be necessary on the basis.
of the individualโ€™s medical and physical condition.
and the vehicle meets such safety requirements.
as the Secretary may prescribe).
used in the patientโ€™s home.
(including an institution used as his home other than an institution.
that meets the requirements of subsection (e).
1. of this section or section 1819(a).
1. whether furnished on a rental basis or purchased,.
and includes blood-testing strips and.
blood glucose monitors for individuals with diabetes.
without regard to whether the individual has Type I or Type II diabetes.
or to the individualโ€™s use of insulin.
(as determined under standards established.
by the Secretary in consultation.
with the appropriate organizations);.
exceptย that such term does not include such equipment.
furnished by a supplier who has used.
for the demonstration and use of specific equipment.
, an individual who has not met suchย minimum training.
ย standards as the Secretary may establish with respect.
to the demonstration and use of such specific equipment.
With respect to a seat lift chair such termย includes.
ย only the seat lift mechanism and does not include the chair.
Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free | Michigan USA
furnished by a supplier who has used.
f o r the d emo.
nย  st r a ti oย  ย nย  a nd use of s pe cif ic eq u ipm ent.
, an i nd iv i du al w hoย  has no t met su ch min im um trai nin g.
ย sta nd a rย  ds a sย  t he S e c ret a r y mayย  es ta bl ish with re sp ect.
to t heย  d e m o n s t r a ti onย  ย and u se of su ch specific eq u ipm ent.
W ith resp ect to a seat lift chair such term inc lu des.
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Glove Sizes

Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small

Related products

Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free


  • Pack of 100 Gloves


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Get Free Shipping on All Orders Over $100



Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free | Michigan USA

The Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free

Our Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free are the latest addition to our Protection Plus series.

Designed with added thickness, the gloves offer better protection against punctures, Rips and certain chemicals while providing the users with excellent tactile sensitivity and comfortable fit.

Our gloves are made from 100% nitrile, a synthetic compound that is completely free of skin-irritating rubber proteins.

Have a lower allergy rate than latex disposable gloves is the superior choice when it comes to people with allergies or sensitive skin.

Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free

The Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free Can be separated into 2 categories: Medical use and Industry use. do not contain natural rubber nitrile and are an excellent alternative for those suffering from Type I allergies.

Used to help protect hands from most solvents, Offers comfortable and reliable hand protection. nit rile Gloves are puncture resistant so solvents can stay on the gloves and not on hands.

They are made of synthetic rubber in order to reduce skin irritation.

Nitrile gloves are a great choice in Hand Protection for both the pro and the DI Yer

Thin, disposable, nitrile gloves are the most common gloves used when handling chemicals in laboratories; however, it is important to remember that thin nitrile rubber provides onlyย limited chemical protection.ย  These gloves are intended to be used only as a physical barrier againstย brief contactย with chemicals, and they need to beย removed and discardedย immediately after they become contaminated.

Glove materials are evaluated on three criteria when exposed to chemicals:

  1. Breakthrough time:ย  This is how long it takes to detect a substance inside the glove when the outside is exposed to a chemical.ย  A glove that holds ups for greater than eight hours is considered excellent.
  2. Degradation:ย This refers to the physical changes in the material such as swelling, cracking, softening or shrinking, which occur when it comes in contact with a chemical.ย ย A glove can exhibit chemicalย breakthroughย even if itย doesnโ€™tย show signs ofย degradation.
  3. Permeation rate:ย  This is the rate at which a substance passes through a glove material once breakthrough takes place.ย  This rate includes absorption on the surface, diffusion through the material, and desorption on the inside surface.
Manufacturer # Varies
Item# Varies
Brand N/A
Manufacturer N/A
Application Exam Glove
Chemo Rated Not Chemo Approved
Colour Black
Cuff Style Beaded Cuff
Fingertip Thickness 0.08 mm (3.1 mil)
Glove Exterior Fully Textured
Glove Interior Without Coating
Glove Length Standard Cuff Length
Hand Compatibility Ambidextrous
Length in Inches 9.8 Inch
Material Nitrile
Powder Content Powder Free
Size Medium
Sterility Non Sterile
UNSPSC Code 42132203
Usage Single Patient Use
Latex-Free Indicator Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex


  • Excellent Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free Conform ability provides superior fit and extended user comfort
  • Exterior’s fully textured finish promotes slip resistance in wet or dry conditions
  • Thin with high-tactile sensitivity
  • Powder free
  • Ambidextrous, beaded cuff design for convenience and comfort
  • Disposable design for single use only
  • Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex

Healthcare DME

Has been committedย to providing the best.
inย home medical equipmentย and supplies since 2005.
Servicing Southeast Michigan.
we pride ourselves in supplying the local community.
with not only superior quality medical products,.
While Healthcare DME has.
a wide array of home medical products available.
we specialize in portable and stationary.
Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free .
,ย home oxygen, ostomy, urostomy,.
and home catheterization supplies,.
and custom fabricated shoes and inserts for diabetic patients.
concerned about the health of their feet.
Healthcare DME is an in network provider.
for most major insurance companies,.
including Medicare, Medicaid,.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan,.
HAP, Humana, and many more.
Please come visit us.
located at 2911 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108,.
just north of Packard in Bell Arbor Plaza, next to Fantastic Samโ€™s.
We would also love to talk to you over the phone!.
A live representative can be reached at (734) 975-6668 during.
normal business hours.
Please feel free to call!
Durable medical equipment
to aid in a better quality of living.
It is a benefit included.
in most insurances.
In some cases certain Medicare benefits, that is.
whether Medicare may pay for the item.
The item is defined by Title XIX for Medicaid.
The term โ€œdurable medical equipmentโ€.
includes iron lungs, oxygen tents, Nebulizers,.
CPAP, Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free.
ย  catheters, hospital beds, and wheelchairs.
(which may include a power operated vehicle.
that may be appropriately used as a wheelchair.
but only where the use of such a vehicle.
is determined to be necessary on the basis.
of the individualโ€™s medical and physical condition.
and the vehicle meets such safety requirements.
as the Secretary may prescribe).
used in the patientโ€™s home.
(including an institution used as his home other than an institution.
that meets the requirements of subsection (e).
1. of this section or section 1819(a).
1. whether furnished on a rental basis or purchased,.
and includes blood-testing strips and.
blood glucose monitors for individuals with diabetes.
without regard to whether the individual has Type I or Type II diabetes.
or to the individualโ€™s use of insulin.
(as determined under standards established.
by the Secretary in consultation.
with the appropriate organizations);.
exceptย that such term does not include such equipment.
furnished by a supplier who has used.
for the demonstration and use of specific equipment.
, an individual who has not met suchย minimum training.
ย standards as the Secretary may establish with respect.
to the demonstration and use of such specific equipment.
With respect to a seat lift chair such termย includes.
ย only the seat lift mechanism and does not include the chair.
Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free | Michigan USA
furnished by a supplier who has used.
f o r the d emo.
nย  st r a ti oย  ย nย  a nd use of s pe cif ic eq u ipm ent.
, an i nd iv i du al w hoย  has no t met su ch min im um trai nin g.
ย sta nd a rย  ds a sย  t he S e c ret a r y mayย  es ta bl ish with re sp ect.
to t heย  d e m o n s t r a ti onย  ย and u se of su ch specific eq u ipm ent.
W ith resp ect to a seat lift chair such term inc lu des.
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Glove Sizes

Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small

Related products

Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free


  • Pack of 100 Gloves


Exclusive Online Price


Get Free Shipping on All Orders Over $100



Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free | Michigan USA

The Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free

Our Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free are the latest addition to our Protection Plus series.

Designed with added thickness, the gloves offer better protection against punctures, Rips and certain chemicals while providing the users with excellent tactile sensitivity and comfortable fit.

Our gloves are made from 100% nitrile, a synthetic compound that is completely free of skin-irritating rubber proteins.

Have a lower allergy rate than latex disposable gloves is the superior choice when it comes to people with allergies or sensitive skin.

Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free

The Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free Can be separated into 2 categories: Medical use and Industry use. do not contain natural rubber nitrile and are an excellent alternative for those suffering from Type I allergies.

Used to help protect hands from most solvents, Offers comfortable and reliable hand protection. nit rile Gloves are puncture resistant so solvents can stay on the gloves and not on hands.

They are made of synthetic rubber in order to reduce skin irritation.

Nitrile gloves are a great choice in Hand Protection for both the pro and the DI Yer

Thin, disposable, nitrile gloves are the most common gloves used when handling chemicals in laboratories; however, it is important to remember that thin nitrile rubber provides onlyย limited chemical protection.ย  These gloves are intended to be used only as a physical barrier againstย brief contactย with chemicals, and they need to beย removed and discardedย immediately after they become contaminated.

Glove materials are evaluated on three criteria when exposed to chemicals:

  1. Breakthrough time:ย  This is how long it takes to detect a substance inside the glove when the outside is exposed to a chemical.ย  A glove that holds ups for greater than eight hours is considered excellent.
  2. Degradation:ย This refers to the physical changes in the material such as swelling, cracking, softening or shrinking, which occur when it comes in contact with a chemical.ย ย A glove can exhibit chemicalย breakthroughย even if itย doesnโ€™tย show signs ofย degradation.
  3. Permeation rate:ย  This is the rate at which a substance passes through a glove material once breakthrough takes place.ย  This rate includes absorption on the surface, diffusion through the material, and desorption on the inside surface.
Manufacturer # Varies
Item# Varies
Brand N/A
Manufacturer N/A
Application Exam Glove
Chemo Rated Not Chemo Approved
Colour Black
Cuff Style Beaded Cuff
Fingertip Thickness 0.08 mm (3.1 mil)
Glove Exterior Fully Textured
Glove Interior Without Coating
Glove Length Standard Cuff Length
Hand Compatibility Ambidextrous
Length in Inches 9.8 Inch
Material Nitrile
Powder Content Powder Free
Size Medium
Sterility Non Sterile
UNSPSC Code 42132203
Usage Single Patient Use
Latex-Free Indicator Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex


  • Excellent Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free Conform ability provides superior fit and extended user comfort
  • Exterior’s fully textured finish promotes slip resistance in wet or dry conditions
  • Thin with high-tactile sensitivity
  • Powder free
  • Ambidextrous, beaded cuff design for convenience and comfort
  • Disposable design for single use only
  • Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex

Healthcare DME

Has been committedย to providing the best.
inย home medical equipmentย and supplies since 2005.
Servicing Southeast Michigan.
we pride ourselves in supplying the local community.
with not only superior quality medical products,.
While Healthcare DME has.
a wide array of home medical products available.
we specialize in portable and stationary.
Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free .
,ย home oxygen, ostomy, urostomy,.
and home catheterization supplies,.
and custom fabricated shoes and inserts for diabetic patients.
concerned about the health of their feet.
Healthcare DME is an in network provider.
for most major insurance companies,.
including Medicare, Medicaid,.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan,.
HAP, Humana, and many more.
Please come visit us.
located at 2911 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108,.
just north of Packard in Bell Arbor Plaza, next to Fantastic Samโ€™s.
We would also love to talk to you over the phone!.
A live representative can be reached at (734) 975-6668 during.
normal business hours.
Please feel free to call!
Durable medical equipment
to aid in a better quality of living.
It is a benefit included.
in most insurances.
In some cases certain Medicare benefits, that is.
whether Medicare may pay for the item.
The item is defined by Title XIX for Medicaid.
The term โ€œdurable medical equipmentโ€.
includes iron lungs, oxygen tents, Nebulizers,.
CPAP, Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free.
ย  catheters, hospital beds, and wheelchairs.
(which may include a power operated vehicle.
that may be appropriately used as a wheelchair.
but only where the use of such a vehicle.
is determined to be necessary on the basis.
of the individualโ€™s medical and physical condition.
and the vehicle meets such safety requirements.
as the Secretary may prescribe).
used in the patientโ€™s home.
(including an institution used as his home other than an institution.
that meets the requirements of subsection (e).
1. of this section or section 1819(a).
1. whether furnished on a rental basis or purchased,.
and includes blood-testing strips and.
blood glucose monitors for individuals with diabetes.
without regard to whether the individual has Type I or Type II diabetes.
or to the individualโ€™s use of insulin.
(as determined under standards established.
by the Secretary in consultation.
with the appropriate organizations);.
exceptย that such term does not include such equipment.
furnished by a supplier who has used.
for the demonstration and use of specific equipment.
, an individual who has not met suchย minimum training.
ย standards as the Secretary may establish with respect.
to the demonstration and use of such specific equipment.
With respect to a seat lift chair such termย includes.
ย only the seat lift mechanism and does not include the chair.
Nitrile Exam Gloves Powder-Free | Michigan USA
furnished by a supplier who has used.
f o r the d emo.
nย  st r a ti oย  ย nย  a nd use of s pe cif ic eq u ipm ent.
, an i nd iv i du al w hoย  has no t met su ch min im um trai nin g.
ย sta nd a rย  ds a sย  t he S e c ret a r y mayย  es ta bl ish with re sp ect.
to t heย  d e m o n s t r a ti onย  ย and u se of su ch specific eq u ipm ent.
W ith resp ect to a seat lift chair such term inc lu des.
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Glove Sizes

Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small